HCF is the maximum divisor which divides all the given numbers exactly. Let us say for 16, 24 there are several numbers i.e., 1, 2, 4, 8 divide them exactly. Of all these numbers 8 is maximum number so we could call 8 as HCF
Finding HCF:
HCF can be found in two ways. Division Method and Factorization method.
Example: Find the HCF of 16, 24
Factorization Method:
We need to write each number in its prime factorization format and take the prime numbers common to all given numbers and their minimum power.
Now HCF of 16, 24 = ( we must not consider 3 because 16 does not contain the prime factor 3)
Division Method:
Important formulas:
Formula 3: if a, b, c are the remainders in each case when A, B, C are divided by N then N = HCF (A-a, B-b, C-c)
Example: Find the greatest number, which will divide 260, 281 and 303, leaving 7, 5 and 4 as remainders respectively.
Ans: We have to find the HCF of (260 - 7, 281 - 5, 303 - 4) = HCF (253, 276, 299) = 23
Formula 4: When A, B, C are divided by N then the remainder is same in each case then N = HCF of any two of (A-B, B-C, C-A)
Example: Find the greatest number by which if we divide 740, 838 and 985, then in each case the remainder is the same.
Ans: Given number is HCF (838 - 740, 985 - 838) = 49
Important result:
If we divide the given numbers with their HCF, the quotients must be co-primes with each other.
Let us assume two numbers A, B. Take A = ah and B = bh where a,b are co-primes with each other and h is the highest common factor of the two numbers.
Now LCM (A, B) = abh. (because h is the HCF of two given numbers, when we divide A, B with h, the quotients are coprimes. So LCM is equal to the product of h, a, b).
Now we can observe that A x B = ah x bh = abh x h = LCM (A, B) x HCF (A, B)
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