Saturday, January 24, 2015

Alphabet Test

  1. Which letter will come exactly between the 10th letter from your left and the 7th letter from your right.

    Without changing any order in the original from the alphabet?

  2. A.) NB.) P
    C.) OD.) Q
    1. If it is possible to from a word with the first, fourth, seventh and eleventh letters in the word

      'SPHERVLVODS' write the second letter of thet word. Otherwise, X is the answer.?

    2. A.) SB.) E
      C.) LD.) O
      E.) X
      1. How many pairs of letters are there in the word 'CASTRAPHONE' which have as many letters between

        them in the word as in the alphabet?

      2. A.) OneB.) Two
        C.) ThreeD.) Four
        1. In the following alphabet second half is written first and then the first half is arranged in reverse order.

          Then which of the following will be the 5th letter to the left of 16th letter from the right?

          A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

        2. A.) SB.) T
          C.) PD.) F
          1. If the letters in the word RUTHENIUM are rearranged in the alphabatical order, which letter will be

            second to the right of middle letter?

          2. A.) IB.) T
            C.) ND.) R
             Option 'C'

            10th letter from your left is J 

            7th letter from your right is T 

            The mid letter between J and T is O.
            The first, fourth, seventh and eleventh letters of the word 'SPHERVLVODS'

            The word formed is LESS

            The second letter is E.
            Looking into the alphabets there are four such pairs namely ON,EH,ST,TO.

            N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z M L K J I H G F E D C B A

            (16 + 5) = 21th letter from your right is S.

            Alphabetical order of the letters of the word RUTHENIUM:

            E H I M N R T U U

            Middle Letter = N. will be second to the right of middle letter is T.

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