Friday, March 25, 2016


Why logarithms:

We know that 32=25.  ie., 32 can be represented as a power of 2.  But how do we represent 32 as some power of 10?
This is where logarithms comes.  32 when represented a power of 10 is equal to log1032=1.5051.  i.e., 32=101.5051

Properties of Logarithms:

1. loga1=0 because 0 is the power to which a must be raised to obtain 1.
2. logaa=1 because 1 is the power to which a must be raised to obtain a.
3. logaaN=N because N is the power to which a must be raised to obtain aN
4. alogab=b because logab is the power to which a must be raised to obtain b.
5. alogbc=clogba
6. logabM=1blogaM
7. logbM=logaMlogab
8. logab=1logba
9. logab.logbc=logac

Laws of logarithm:
1. Product rule: logaMN=logaM+logaN
2. Division rule = logaMN=logaMlogaN


Note: When no base is given we generally assume the base as 10.  These are called common logarithms
When "e" is a base then we call them as natural logarithms.

Characteristic of logarithm:
The characteristic of the logarithm of a number greater than one is one less than the number of digits in it.
Eg: characteristic of 98765 = 4 so total digits in the given number is 5.
We know that log 100 = log102=2log10=2.00.  As the characteristic of 100 is 2, then total digits in 100 are 3.
log 10 = log101=1log10=1 So total digits are 2 in 10.
log 99 = 1.9956 so total digits are 1 + 1 = 2.

Working Rule to find the number digits in ab format number: 
1. Calculate the logarithm (you will get some positive number)
2. Adding one to the intezer part will give you the number of digits in that original number

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